Because they both were small, their kitchen had shorter kitchen counters than usual. It was like going and visiting a doll house! I have loved organizing stuff since childhood and she would 'let' me clean out drawers while they played cards. (Can you believe that?! And I think I even got to pick the drawer!) It was such fun to discover what was in there. Usually I was counting cards to make sure they were all there, or putting the dominoes back in the box or just aligning pens and pencils. Uncle Ray had served in World War II and many interesting stories from the bits and pieces of their lives were hidden away in drawers.
One of my favorite things at their house was a large frame with red velvet inside. Arranged on the velvet, in the shape of a pine tree, were hundreds of pieces of costume jewelry. Do you remember those? I would so love to have that today. But twenty years ago, I would have called it junk and tossed it out!
In the sunroom, there were treasures from their cabin in Colorado. Real treasures--like plaster casts of bear prints, baskets full of pine cones and Indian (Native American!) beads and pottery. Aunt Lela always had an easel set up with a painting in progress. She and my grandma loved to paint together. Grandad and Uncle Ray loved fishing and both couples played a mean game of bridge. How fortunate that your relatives can be your best friends too!
Here's a closeup of the lacy edge of the bowl. It has a gold rim. I like the woody details of the branches and the highlights on the fruit.
I'm so glad I have this piece of china. Red cherries just make me smile and the site of the bowl brings back fond memories of a much-loved Aunt.
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I don't think I ever knew Uncle Ray, and I barely remember her house. I think I only went there once. But of course, everyone loved Aunt Lela! I'm glad you got such a beautiful bowl from her!
That is such a sweet story and the bowl is beautiful. What a great treasure to have.
Aunt Lela was talented! That really is a pretty bowl. I love the edge on it. I'm glad you have it now. I used to go rooting in the drawers of my grandmother's dining room cabinet. Once, I found a prescription pill bottle with what looked like a small rock in it. Turned out it was her gallstone. Thanks for reminding me of that! :)
Your bowl is just beautiful. How talented your aunt was. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a talent like that?
Happy VTT, have a lovely weekend.
What a beautiful bowl! Your great-great aunt was very talented! Loved the story...thanks for sharing it.
what a precious treasure!.. thanks for sharing.. seems your great great aunt is very lovely lady.. and talented too!
have a great day!
Oh I want that bowl! It is a real gem!!! Happy VTT!
What a beautiful treasure! I just love the cherries. This is such a sweet little bowl. I love it, very happy looking! Have a wonderful week.
Geez. Auntie sure did have talent,I love the blues she integrated. That's just simply gorgeous!
Such a treasure indeed! I loved the story and it must have been a treat going over to their home...loved how you said it was like a dollhouse.
Thank you for remembering to show the bowl! It's really beautiful - and the painting is so well done! I have a thing for those lacy plates and bowls, they're so delicate. How sweet to have "tiny" friends!
What a treasure you have and such wonderful memories to go with it! TFS
what a treasure and a delightful story. thanks for sharing :)
Your bowl is gorgeous! Love your story behind it. Ray and Lela sound like wonderful people.
That's a beautiful bowl.
thanks for sharing and blessings on your day.
barbara Jean
Just beautiful what talent!
blessings to all
Oh, that is one beautiful plate. Your aunt had amazing talent. How fortunate that you received the plate. Enjoy it with the memories. Sally
Family stories are just the best! Thanks for sharing the bowl and the story. Ruby
What a great story - I could picture it as I read it. I have thought of the things I threw away long ago that would be classic Vintage now! Good thing I don't know what they are!
Thanksf or the share, Paula in Idaho
What a great story. That plate is so pretty. Thanks for sharing
I am glad that you have the bowl. MOst of all I am glad that you have so many memories of our dear Aunt Lela and Uncle Ray.
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