
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Fanciful California Day

We watched this mama duck and her babies cross the street a la "Make Way for Ducklings."  One little duckling hopped and jumped in vain to join his family up on the curb.  Kenny finally stepped and gave him a boost.  Much joyful quacking was heard once the family was back together.  But do you think he learned a lesson?  He's probably the little laggard you see under the park bench eating crumbs and being left behind.  Again!

I love this picture!  Sarah is so absorbed in this book she has carried it everywhere we've went to snatch moments to read it!  I know it is good because I recommended it to her--She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell.

Molly and I went for a walk on the beach while Sarah had her nose stuck in the book.  The tide was coming in and almost swept us off our feet a few times!  The ocean is amazing with its power.  When a wave crashes near the shore, it roars.  You can hear the rocks tumble across each other as the wave sweeps in.  You'd better watch out when you can't hear the water....that's when a stealthy wave is about to drench you!

We found this string of pearls lost by a mermaid.  Some people might tell you that it is in reality part of a plant which is presumed to be kelp.  But we believe it is a treasure from a beautiful lady who lives in the sea!


Marilyn said...

Good for Sarah, I am reading that book too. Paula brought it to me. The pictures are beautiful. I am glad that we have shade trees though instead of palm. However after last evenings tornadic winds, we have a few less limbs.

Red Dirt Kelly said...

The "string of pearls lost by a mermaid"caption helped me get in touch with my narrative and romantic side today. Thanks! "Red Dirt Kelly"

Freckled Hen said...

Hope you're having a good time!

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: