
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to Procrastinate

--Get up early because you have lots to do.
--Decide you must finish a bridesmaid dress and make a couple of batches of jelly.
--Remember that school starts in a few days and you haven't written anything up that is batting around in your head.
--Eat breakfast and drink lots of coffee while reading your daily devotion.
--Insist you husband give you a big, long hug before he leaves for work.  Remind him a 20 second hug releases lots of feel-good endorphins.  He might be a bit resistant at first but once he realizes he might get a good feel in feeling before work, he will participate, I promise.
--Check out facebook and your blog.  It is imperative that you keep up on your social world!
--Use the flat iron on your hair although you have barely brushed it all summer.
--Fold the mountain of laundry that has been on the chair in your bedroom for days.
--Hunt for the mates to the lonely socks.
--Give up and allow the lone socks to once again become part of the bedroom decor.
--Ponder whether or not to get a motion sensor bathroom faucet so the cat can get her own drink from the sink.
--Contemplate doing more laundry but conclude that it will be counter-productive to your real plans of cooking and sewing and planning for school.
--Read a few more blogs while you drink another cup of coffee and discover a very cute origami house to make!
--Remember the origami paper you have stashed away--This project will only take a minute!
--Curse the numerous cups of coffee you drank while you shakily try to fold sharp creases and assemble the cute 'easy' house.
--search for a ruler and a glue stick for your project and wonder where all those rulers purchased for school supplies have gone over the years.
--discover adorable tiny tape dispenser with pink, blue and green tape for your house!  Better than a glue stick!
--try again to fold with shaking hands.

--Find a spot to display your wonky beautiful cute fun houses and enjoy!

Want to make your own?  Put down the coffee cup and visit this site--The Origami Club!


Andi said...

Honestly, you totally KNOW I won't make those. But they are cute. And, that sounds a whole lot like my day. Only I think you got more accomplished!

Keetha Broyles said...

Great list - - - but I'm afraid I do NOT need lessons in procrastination, I've mastered THAT skill!!! ;-)

Becky said...

I love origami - I have a book and some paper stashed somewhere - intending to "get to it" sometime. And by the way, there is a fine art to procrastinating, I am good at it and I think you might be too. :)

Paula said...

How sturdy are those? How big? It would be cute to place one on someones desk with a half pint of jelly/jam in...or some chocolate truffles...

Marilyn said...

I don't guess I will start on the houses today. I have 4 pair of wranglers and 5 shirts that I am procastinating about. I think I better do them as these are the ones that the husband likes to wear.

Freckled Hen said...

Your houses are cute-so is your list! Origami is hard. I always end up frustrated. I just don't get those one dimensional drawings, I need someone to show me right in front of my face where to crease and bend.

Relyn Lawson said...

Me ME!!! Oh, yes, this is me. laughing here at myself. Thanks for that.

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: