
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

She's a Mrs.!

Oh Goodness!  We are still recovering from all the wedding festivities!  The day was sooooo overwhelmingly wonderful.  I know I was euphoric and so wound-up I can't imagine how the bride and groom must have felt!  Josh posted on his Facebook page that he was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning!  That made my heart so happy!  It's such a blessing to know that you are 'giving' your daughter away to someone who is going to treasure her!  

Sarah was not our official photographer--she didn't believe she could do that and be matron of honor too!  But after the 'going-away' she and Jake followed the newlyweds to a scenic, woodsy area to take a few pictures!  Lucky for me, Sarah shared these pictures right away so I could admire them and then post them on the blog!  

I'm very excited to see the pictures from our official photographer!  But I'm being patient......really..... 

Molly and Josh are on a Bahamas Cruise.  She messaged us that they had the smallest room ever on a ship! But I'm figuring it can't really matter--I know they want to be close!  

I hardly know where to start to tell you about our glorious day.  I'll fill you in over the next few days.  I carried my phone with me everywhere during setup but only took one picture!  Can you believe it!  I was so annoyed with myself after Sarah's wedding and didn't have any pictures so I vowed that this time I would take some!  But no....I just used it to talk on!  Silly me!


Rebecca D said...

The joy in your daughter's face says it all! I can't wait to see more. (She looks so beautiful!)

Andi said...

Molly is so beautiful! She was a GORGEOUS bride...And Josh sure looks like he realizes it!

Paula said...

It was such a beautiful and fun day. We are so happy for Josh and Molly. They are a GREAT couple.

Givinya De Elba said...

Oh Dawn, I've been waiting for a picture or two! Thankyou so much for posting these lovely shots! What a lovely couple :-)

Relyn Lawson said...

Molly is so incredibly beautiful! I am trying hard not to covet her hair and her perfect skin.

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: