
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cheer UP!

I finally gave in to the Facebook thing while Molly was in Romania. I check up on other people frequently (spying!? surely not!) but I haven't commented too much. I'm afraid to become one of THOSE annoying people.

I'm just using it to tell people about my blog.

Well, yes, I'm on of THOSE annoying people!

Tonight I was online and Sarah, my 20 year old baby who kept me up last night, popped up and was telling me about how cranky she is and she hates school and art and stupid stuff and she'd just as soon be finished and all that business that I remember saying when I was a junior in college!

I had made cookie dough earlier in the evening to freeze so I decided to use my webcam to do a little cheer-up essay just for her!

I figured out how to post just on her wall and how to use the camera and worried a bit that it was showing up where everyone could see it (making me one of THOSE people) and she cheered up. I think--she said haha. Doesn't that denote cheerfulness? Unless you're chatting or texting where it's hard to tell but that's a whole 'nother post!

So lucky for you, I decided that blog readers are a whole different type than Facebook readers so I'm sharing my pictures here! Cause I don't mind being silly for you but don't want to look silly on Facebook--really, I know, it makes no sense!

Roll the cookie dough in balls

Place on baking sheet to freeze

Try a bite or two cause you know cookie dough's best that way!

Place frozen dough balls in ziploc to keep in freezer

I wish I could mail some to you!

So, there you go! A little homemade love to cheer up a cranky college student--virtually of course!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made your baby "virtual cookies" after you virtually ignored her in her hour of need during the storm...teehee. I am missing you all and hope to see you soon.
Love ya

Shasta said...

Awwww...very sweet!! Except for a pregnant woman now I want homemade cookie dough! ;) Guess I'll have to make up a batch when I make cupcakes for one of our youth, turned college student, who so sweetly hinted at her favorite type that I make. She then proceeded to tell me what day her birthday is. HEHE!

Anonymous said...

ok dawn rhonda on brads page, he made me come look at this he said he loved the picture, you are such a good mom a little goofy but great sure wish you would send some to me

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: