
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I skipped School!

Yes, I did! I skipped because Les begged me to.

"Help me," he said. "I've taken them on trips before and they get out of control! They try to run over me!"

Dawn: I must really stay here and help the Juniors research their English Assignment.
Les: You must go and help the Seniors from the bus.

Dawn: I must remain behind to feed young minds.
Les: But you must help me! These continually need fed food!

D: But dear, I must guide the students in where to find knowledge!
L: But the Senior Adults get lost!

D: I don't want to leave the students wondering how to research.
L: These people are always wandering around shopping.

D: I know that some of the guys will sit around not doing their school work.
L: The husbands just sit around and make me try to round up their wives!

D: I will have to make sure they are taking notes, not just photocopying everything.
L: This group photographs everything!

D: The students will try to just play on the computers if I'm gone.
L: Some of my charges want to lounge around under palm trees!

Les: Please. I need you! I'll even buy you a new pair of shoes...

And so I did.

After all--he needed me!

Not really. But it's lots more fun to make stuff up than tell the truth. Ask any 3 year old! But I did get some new shoes!


Becky said...

You know, it is a wonder Les can get anything done when you are not around!! Of course, he needed you. It could have been worse, Greg and I could have gone on the trip. :)

Sarah Kamolz said...

Haha! Cute!

SueLovesCherries said...

Hi Dawn! I can't find an e-mail anywhere on your blog, so I'll answer you here. You wrote:

"New England Asters--that's what those are! I have some I planted last year and couldn't remember what kind they were! Thanks!"

I hope you don't mind me getting "technical" on you, but you probably don't have New England asters - they're wild. You probably have just "plain, old" store-bought asters! Which are just as nice, if not nicer - I have some myself!

Hope you had a nice weekend!

Marilyn said...

I am so sad that we didn't get to go. Please ask us nextt time.

Megan said...

Senior adult trips are dangerous. They make you eat lots and lots of ice cream!! We have some really good senior adult trip memories. They even made us bring our then-toddler along and then proceeded to spoil her terribly! Good times...

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: