
Many stories herein are subject to the faulty, and sometimes creative, memory of the blog owner and should not be taken as factual, although the names and events are real! Kind of.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Unusual Sunday Morning Guest

When we arrived at church this morning I noticed a stranger in the parking lot. He had chosen a slot near the entrance to park and couldn't seem to make up his mind what to do.  

I went over to check him out--ummm, I mean--meet and greet.....make him feel welcome!

As I approached this guy, he stood stock still and dropped his nose to the pavement.  He seemed shy.  In fact, he seemed on the verge of keeling over!

The Moose Lodge is down the street from church and I wondered if this visitor perhaps had a bit too much fun on Saturday night.

You know how guys are.  Hanging out, throwing darts, sharing a toast or two (or more...). Then someone gets rude and someone gets mad and before you know it, you're wandering down the road with a bloody nose and paws and aren't quite sure what hit you.


Andi said...

So, he was all bloody? Poor little guy! Dad would have taken him out of his misery. Of course, Les probably doesn't have a gun rack in his car...

Keetha Broyles said...

You know the old expression "playing possum?" Well - - - when you walked over, he PROBABLY was going to "play possum" - - - they DO, it's where we got the expression.

Unknown said...

I think he was going to play possum but was afraid to go the whole 'fall down' because he couldn't get up. He had probably been hit by a car. But I like my version better...

Sarah Kamolz said...

Haha! Awesome story!

One Last Thought.......

Pleasant words are a honeycomb;
sweet to the soul and healing to the body.
Proverbs 16: